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Announcing VERSUS Stratagia LUCIANNA

Lucianna means "the elegant light." The combination of the "V" shape spokes create the wheel surface to be more elegant and express many impressions by the effects of lighthing.

The Sparkling Black Pearl and the Cromo Ibrido color emphasize the shades and shadows of the wheel surface. The newly developed Sparkling Black Pearl color is the combination of cutting processed on the disk surface and provides a hint of blue when receiving light.  

On the rim flange, the VERSUS logo is casted dimensionally, while the STRATAGIA machining logo is available for the Sparkling Black Pearl color. Colors available are: Sparkling Black Pearl (VB) and Cromo Ibrido (DR) with center caps, air valves, and long adapter included.  

This Made in House, Made in Japan, Cast One Piece wheel starts delivery from June, 2016. For more information, pls contact Permaisuri is our RAYS Authorized Dealer in indonesia.