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The new Mini JCW GP concept has gone crazy for aero

Mini’s showstopper is an aero-mad, stripped-out JCW nutterhatch

Usually, Mini waits right until the end of its hatchback’s life before it unleashes a GP version. More power, no back seats, not cheap. However, Mini has been unable to contain itself this time, so it’s turned the current Mini into a John Cooper Works GP concept. And it looks utterly barmy.

Ever wondered what the lovechild of a BMW i8 and Mini Cooper would look like? Gape at the GP concept’s flying buttresses and louvred wheelarches and wonder no more. Then marvel at the loop-the-loop rear wing, and the racecar-spec diffuser. All of the bodywork mods are carbon-fibre too, so it conforms to the commandment that a Mini GP ought to weigh less than its own key fob.

Up front, there’s an enormous grille – Audi, are you watching this? Because the GP’s a concept, there’s no numerical juiciness thrown in, so we don’t know what engine it’s intended to use, or the power output. Lots, presumably, given the amount of cooling going on. The standard Mini JCW delivers a rorty 228bhp, so it’s not beyond the realms of silliness that a production-spec GP could go beyond 240bhp, or 250bhp…