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HRE New Gallery - Porsche 991 R with HRE R101 Lightweight Satin Black

Starting at a mere 16lbs, HRE’s R101 Lightweight takes the R101 style to the next level. The R101 LW is specifically designed for individual vehicle models creating the ultimate in lightweight optimization for street and track use. Every vehicle model has a different load rating and power output, so we’ve utilized this data to redesign the R101 for each model application fine-tuning each detail of the wheel to remove weight and add stiffness where possible.

R101 Lightweight is only available in select fitments.

Finishes Shown: Satin Charcoal, Satin Black and Satin Bronze

Available in 17", 18", 19", 20 and 21"

For more information about size, finishing and price feel free to contact Permaisuri  - Phone 021-7211239, Whatsapp 081721239, or Line us : permaisuriban